Coronavirus Update: Unprecedented times

These are unprecedented times and we are all facing business and personal challenges which were unimaginable just a few weeks ago.

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Coronavirus Update: Staying Positive

I said in last week’s Coronavirus update that it was difficult to look too far ahead in this crisis and, sadly, I’ve been proved right. At the time of writing, there are now 39 confirmed cases in the UK, and big news for this industry that Fensterbau has been, at the very least, postponed.

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Coronavirus Update: Encouraging News

I’ve received more encouraging news over the last few days from our team in China with regards to the Coronavirus crisis.

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Reassuring News from China

Following on from last week’s post about the potential impact that the Coronavirus could have on our supply chain in China, here’s the first of the regular updates I promised.

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Coronavirus Update

Like the majority of hardware suppliers in the UK, Mila imports a large proportion of our stock from China. As you would expect then, our teams based both here and in China have been working extremely hard over the last couple of weeks to minimise the potential impact of the current Coronavirus outbreak on our supply chain.

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